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Tailiang Chemical Chemical Corporation Limited
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Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Information on chemicals is ordered alphabetically in the directories below. The web pages are contain key safety information for each chemical. First check the appropriate directory below.

  We have tried to make these safety web pages as accurate and useful as possible; however  
Bullet We can take no responsibility for use or misuse of information on this site.
Bullet The information has not been independently verified, so we cannot guarantee its accuracy or that it is up-to-date.
  Please treat this site as a source of general information about safety and the potential hazards of chemicals, not as a definitive statement of the hazards associated with any particular chemical or a reliable interpretation of safety law.  
Dearborn International Corporation Limited : One-Stop Logistics
Products A to Z Material Safety Data Sheet
Dearborn International : Logistics TL TRADING : Liquid Chemical Piyasiri Wanit : Warehouse

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Products A to Z| Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Affiliated companies : Dearborn International | Kongsawan Chemical | Piyasiri Wanit | Steklean

Category : Agriculture & Food | Building & Construction | Electronics & Entertainment | Healthcare & Medical | Household Goods & Personal Care |
Oil & Gas | Packaging, Paper & Publishing | Plastics | Textile & Garment | Transportation | Water & Process Solutions

Copyright 2011 Tailiang Chemical Corporation Limited